The Impact of Cruise Controllability on the Decision Making of Schedule Construction
Operations research, Transport, Aviation, Decision makingAbstract
Nowadays, challenged by diverse uncertainties and disruptions (e.g., bad weather), as well as the strict environmental regulations imposed by authorities (e.g., on carbon emissions), airlines are struggling. How to improve their operational efficiency in such a volatile and adverse market becomes a top agenda of airlines. Among various operations, crew scheduling is fundamentally important as staffing cost is a big part of the total operational expenses. It is known that in crew scheduling, “robust crew pairing” is crucial to make the produced pairings less vulnerable in real operations. Existing studies generally construct robustness assuming that the aircraft cruise speed is fixed. However, prior studies have found that flight times exhibit significant variations due to reasons like cruise speed adjustment, and aircraft can control cruise speed for purposes like reducing delays. For crew, cruise speed controllability is also useful in hedging disruptions. For example, one flight can speed up to meet its on-time arrival even if it departs late due to crew disruptions. However, the impacts of cruise speed controllability on crew pairing robustness and the related environmental costs are under-explored. We thus propose this preliminary study to explore the possibility to use cruise speed controllability to enhance schedule robustness for crews.
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