Evaluating the Effectiveness of Want Want Group's Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Campaign during Chinese New Year 2022
Consumer, Segment markets, Want want group, Promotional strategiesAbstract
It is vital for businesses to run Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) campaigns in order to communicate with their target audience in an efficient manner. During the course of this research, a critical evaluation of the IMC campaign that Wants Want Group developed in conjunction with the 2022 Chinese New Year event will take place. The decision analytics of this research is to assess the goals and effectiveness of the campaign, as well as to provide an explanation of the consumer demographics that are being targeted by the campaign, therefore demonstrating understanding of the strategies used to segment markets. In addition, our research will make use of relevant theories to assist our analysis and will conduct an analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the media channels used by the Want Want Group. The results show Want Want's IMC campaign for the 2022 Chinese New Year was effective in establishing an emotional connection with its audience and in increasing holiday sales. The campaign was successful in accomplishing its objectives of increasing brand recognition, customer loyalty, and customer base by using a range of promotional strategies.
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